Tuesday 4 December 2007

First Things First

This is my second blog (my first being about Interior Design www.sortmyhouse.blogspot.com).
I love beauty products, and when I was working full time, it was my hobby to but and try various beauty products (much to my husbands disapproval!). Nowadays since becoming a mum and dropped to part time hours, I have much less disposable income, hence my new rule - one in one out, i.e I can only buy a new foundation when my old one runs out. Sounds boring?? Not so because now instead of having loads of half used bottles cluttering up my bathroom, I now have fewer better selected/ researched products that I actually use (and it has to be said I feel much less guilty for my expenditure these days!)

I used to be an advertisers dream, I would buy anything if it promised to make me prettier, firmer I'm sure that I used to believe that using L'oreal shampoo would give me Claudia Schiffer's hair (of course it had nothing to do with the hours of styling and professional help she had on the ads!).
So after years of trying products and asking random people on the street, and pestering girls in the toilets on nights out, I now have a good knowledge of what's out there, and my friends often turn to me and ask 'which foundation shall I buy?' ' Which eye shadow colour should I chose?' and 'which perfume shall I buy for everyday wear?'.

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