Sunday 6 January 2008

My latest purchases reviews

In my stocking at Christmas was Clinique 7 day scrub, Lancome Hydrazen moisturiser for dry skin and Clinique all about eyes and I have to say if you have dry/ flaky skin they are the perfect products. My skin has been battling with the cold weather and central heating, and putting make up on has become a nightmare because of dry patches, the above products have banished them...a miracle!

Just before Christmas I bought Origins Clean Energy oil, and it is lovely it doesn't dry my skin and feels silky and smells divine!

My new want list includes - Clarins true comfort foundation, apprently it has a lovely dewy coverage and great for everyday use.

Tip - Applying cream blusher, apply sparingly with a sponge or small angled blusher brush, Tesco's Barbara Daly does a great one for just under £6, and dab it gently until you get the look you want. If you have a long face sweep accross the cheek, apply it upwards if you have a round face. Mac and Giorgio Armani do nice ones.